FCC Services to once again partner with globally recognized leadership experts to bring to their clients a three-day experiential seminar in Great Falls, Montana
GREAT FALLS, Mont., July 24, 2018 (Newswire.com) - Global futurist Jack Uldrich, the author of "Into the Unknown: Leadership Lessons from Lewis & Clark’s Daring Westward Expedition," will join Jeff Appelquist, founder of Blue Knight Leadership, in Montana today for the beginning of their three-day experiential leadership seminar.
Uldrich and Appelquist have been partnering for eight years to take business leaders on expeditions based upon Lewis and Clark's historic adventures. Once again they will be partnering with FCC Services, an organization that has been helping clients achieve their organizational and operational goals since 1975. Board governance and leadership development have been cornerstones of their work from the start. Other programs and services they offer include board development, executive coaching, thought leadership/professional speakers, strategic talent management, facilitation and consulting. FCC Services' clients will bring leaders, directors and teams to this renowned program, "Lewis & Clark: Into the Unknown."
It was the 19th-century equivalent of putting a man on the moon. It was a metaphor for venturing into the unknown, what every business organization has to do, whether they like it or not.
Jeff Appelquist, Founder & President, Blue Knight Leadership
The historic Lewis & Clark Expedition was an incredible feat of exploration, leadership and success in the face of huge unimaginable challenges and against all odds. No other journey had such an influence on the destiny of our country. Using the perilous Expedition as a backdrop, "Lewis & Clark: Into the Unknown," helps leaders prepare themselves to face the rapid-fire opportunities, possibilities and challenges of the unknown future.
According to Uldrich: "Thinking like a futurist involves appreciating how the world of tomorrow is changing. Far too often companies are fixated on issues that are front and center or, at times, they are stuck dealing with issues from the past. They aren't taking time out to reflect on what the future will hold in store."
Uldrich's point and the point of the three-day adventure he and Appelquist will embark on with leaders is this: "Many, if not most, people think that 'tomorrow will be pretty much like yesterday.'"
“It was the 19th-century equivalent of putting a man on the moon,” Appelquist says. “It was a metaphor for venturing into the unknown, what every business organization has to do, whether they like it or not.”
"From now on," Uldrich says, "Tomorrow is going to be radically different than either yesterday or today. We need more leaders with the courage of Lewis and Clark. Leaders who are willing to unlearn their old ways and chart brave new courses into the unknown."
To learn more about Uldrich, his speaking availability, please visit JackUldrich.com. For more information about Jeff Appelquist, please visit BlueKnightLeadership.com. For more information on future "Into the Unknown" leadership experiences, FCC Services, or their leadership and governance development programs, go to www.FCCServices.com.
Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning