Global futurist Jack Uldrich will deliver a new keynote to a leading healthcare consultancy in Philadelphia on October 21.
Philadelphia, PA, October 20, 2016 (Newswire.com) - “By the end of the decade, it will be more expensive for you to flush your toilet than for you to sequence your genome.” As odd as that may sound, Futurist Jack Uldrich who made the statement, says, "It's possible."
The logic Uldrich uses is this: "The $150 million it used to cost to sequence your genes has been cut in half every four months so that by the end of 2012 it cost $10,000 and by the end of 2013 it was $1,000. Therefore, if you do the math, the price of genomic sequencing and testing is going to drop exponentially by 2020. While the cost of clean water is going to rise."
"If you aren't thinking about your future, who is?"
Jack Uldrich, Futurist & Founder of The School of Unlearning
Another game-changing shift we will experience in just a matter of years is our smart devices will know what we want before even we ask the question.
"Technology is changing fast. It’s changing our world around us, and keeping up won't be enough, we need to get ahead of the curve."
How? "Think like a futurist," says Uldrich.
Thinking like a futurist will be the topic of Uldrich's keynote that he will deliver on Friday, October 21 in Philadelphia, PA to a leading healthcare consultancy.
In his presentation, Uldrich will encourage his audience to "Give up on answers, and stick with questions. Because Ingenuity comes to a halt when we think we know the answers.”
He will also suggest getting a mentor--in fact, a reverse mentor could be one of the best investments --like the Millennial you just hired. "Young adults often understand the new technologies better than us older folks do, and if we avail ourselves to their insights, we can learn a great deal."
Another fundamental concept Uldrich will speak on is what he calls a 'pre-mortem,' --it's the same concept as a post-mortem, only "you do it before your company dies."
"Imagine that it’s ten years in the future, and you’re out of business. What didn’t you see coming? Not only will a pre-mortem help you avoid some of the pitfalls, but you may also discover areas to 'innovate into.'" Uldrich urges his clients to hold one at least once a year.
“Because," Uldrich asks, "if you’re not thinking about the future, who is?”
Parties seeking more information on Jack Uldrich and his upcoming engagements or speaking availability may view his website here.
Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning