Tech Mahindra CEO C.P. Gurnani, Globally Renowned Futurist Jack Uldrich, and Co-Founder and CEO of Fitbit, James Park, are among several special guests set to speak at a private CEO Council Annual Meeting focusing on digital transformation and ways to prepare businesses for the future.
Washington, DC, November 14, 2016 (Newswire.com) - By the year 2020, the world will have over 50 billion devices connected via the Internet of Things, which will influence everything from the way people eat, sleep, and shop to how organizations and governments operate. The primary question for a futurist like Jack Uldrich is, "How can I help prepare them for the future?"
On November 15, 2016, a private breakfast will be held in Washington DC bringing together top luminaries, global business decision makers, public policy mavens, and VIP guests to discuss just how to prepare for the future.
By the year 2020, our world will have over 50 billion devices connected via the Internet of Things, which will influence everything from the way people eat, sleep, and shop to how organizations and governments operate. The question that must be answered is how to prepare people for all of it.
Jack Uldrich, Global Futurist
Uldrich will join other guest speakers and panelists including Susan Desmond-Hellman, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Admiral Michael S. Rogers, Director of National Security Agency, CEO of H & R Block, William Cobb; Co-founder and CEO of Fitbit, James Park; Daniel Kahneman 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize recipient in Economic Sciences; Andrew McAffee of MIT Sloane School of Management; and Stephen Wolfram, CEO of Wolfram Research.
A world-renowned author, futurist, and speaker Jack Uldrich will make a special appearance, offering his critical foresight regarding the tools necessary to help businesses succeed in the areas of digital automation, innovation, verticalization, and disruption as well as how participants can stay ahead of the pack.
Uldrich's keynote Foresight 2020: 10 Big AHA’s will focus on his acronym of AHA which stands for Awareness, Humility, and Action.
The talk will cover, "Awareness of the top ten accelerating technological trends, how Humility will come into play particularly with the growth of collaborative consumption-based companies such as wework, and how to cultivate and deploy 'strategic experimentation' as a fundamental component of any Action plan."
The stage for the event will be set for the elite group to discuss key findings from "In the Future" exploring what the interconnected world will look like by 2020 and how it will affect policies ranging from corporate boardrooms to the Senate chamber.
In light of the recent election, a strong emphasis for the meeting will be upon on the need to create a digital economy. The group will also do a deep dive into a variety of innovations within the tech revolution that government officials and enterprise leaders need to embrace to thrive amid the coming changes.
For more information on this event or Jack Uldrich's speaking availability, please view his website.
Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning